Wednesday, January 23, 2013

Classmate Portraits

Jibreel in the Weight room

Eli in the Parking Lot

Ryanin the Parking Lot

Daniel Long-boarding 

Abdullah Posing

Monday, January 21, 2013

Photos of Backpacks

Backpacks Playing Xbox

Hanging Out
Eating Dinner

Poker Face

Baking a Cake

Wednesday, January 16, 2013

20 Photos of Winter Break

Seeing Blue

Sweetwater Lady Devils

Snow Play

Cold Hands

North Las Vegas

A Night in Paris

Snow Fall

McDonalds and Friends

Prime Lens and Reflections

San Diego Bay

Modern Art Downtown

Harbor Drive

Olympic Parkway at Night

Game Cube

Eight Ball

Gibson SG

Rainee and Max

Piggy Back Lovers

Cat and the Pizza Box

Lovers and Mona Lisa